Monday, 11 August 2008

Local Development Framework

Attended the LDF tonight - it is one of the most important panels in the Council. This panel plans the future of the Borough for the next 20 - 50 years. We spoke about 'sustainability' and what that actually means. It is a word that is thrown about at many meetings but it was good to get a proper definition - "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". It is, of course, not as simple as that but it shows what the Council are aiming for. I also spoke to a lady from Mile End who has lived there for 52 years. She has seen it grow from a small village with tithe cottages linked to the hospital to almost a town in its own right. She does not want to see other areas of Colchester, as they develop in the future, going through the same infrastructure problems that Mile End is now seeing. It is a shame that our MP against Colchester, Bob Russell, has gone to the press announcing that he has got the money for the new A12 junction when he has not - this would have alleviated a lot of the problems of Mile End. He has again let the town down.

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