Wednesday 11 March 2009

Shrub ended!

Wow what a busy time! Whilst Prettygate is one of the quietest wards in Colchester - we keep ourselves busy. The latest threat to us is the removal of shrub beds by the Lib Dem/Labour Administration. To save a mean £20 per year in some places, they are prepared to dig up and turf over the beds. We only have 3 in Prettygate but in Shrub End they are losing all of theirs! No more Shrub End, more like Shrub Ended! They are not just pleasing to the eye but they also stop cars parking on verges and kids gathering outside houses causing a nuisance. We are doing all we can to stop this by informing the Chief Executive and the press so that the public are aware of what is happening. The residents who live around these beds need to make the decision.

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